February 24, 2017

Mom of Two

I remember when I was pregnant with Ruby, people would say things like "oh just wait, your life will never be the same" or "enjoy your freedom while you can"

And it would drive me crazy! Of course I didn't know from experience what it was like to be a mom, but I knew my life would never be the same, but I was completely okay with that, it is part of our Heavenly Father's plan.

And I had been a one kid mom for almost 3 years when we got pregnant with Hazel, and the comments started all over again. "enjoy only having one to take care of" "two is a whole new experience", "you think being a mom is hard now, just wait"

And again... they drove me crazy. And also scared me. I knew having a second baby would be different than when I just had one. I couldn't just sleep when the baby slept, and who would want to watch two kids so Reese and I could go out? How would I go out into the world by myself being outnumbered?? There were so many things that crossed my mind before Hazel got here.

I could sit here and blog about why it is harder, but those reasons are pretty obvious. I am here to tell you what is better about the second baby than the first! You heard me, there are better things!

1. You are experienced 

You've got this. You know all the tricks in how to calm a baby, you have breastfed before, you've been pooped on, sprit up on, peed on, you have been a sleep deprived zombie before.... you have experienced it all!

I feel a lot more confident with Hazel than I did Ruby. I remember once I overfed Ruby and she spit up out her nose- and I started bawling and called my mom. If that happens to Hazel, I know exactly where I went wrong, wipe it up and move on.

2. Your husband is experienced 

Same song and dance, your husband knows how to clean those newborn black poops like a boss. And this time he isn't afraid to stay home with the tiny baby alone. In fact- he can relax and enjoy the bonding time. And this time when everyone and their dog sees your boobs in the hospital while you are trying to get breastfeeding down- he isn't embarrassed ;) haha

3. You are already used to being controlled by a tiny human
When I had Ruby there was a big shift in my life. I was used to taking care of myself and only myself, And then all of a sudden I had Ruby who depended on me for everything. I went from going to school and working full time to staying home to a baby who sucked everything out of me- literally. But now, I am used to staying home. I am used to a tiny human needing me. So really adding another tiny human wasn't that big of deal- because I have already embraced that lifestyle.

4. Stretch marks aren't new to your vocabulary
My after baby body this time isn't as shocking,  I am used to stretch marks, and my tummy pooch.

5. You have all the baby stuff
I had all the necessary baby stuff from Ruby so this time I got to buy the fun stuff and extra convenience stuff. Like a video baby monitor, and golden moccasins haha.

6. Having a mini helper
I have Ruby to help me, she takes all Hazel's diapers to the trash, will help me find a lost binky, or get me a blanket. And she loves to help! She always tells me thank you when I hand her a dirty diaper to throw away haha. And I have someone to talk to during the day, even if it is just conversations about the latest Disney movie we just watched, at least I have company.

photo cred: Ash & co

Yes, there are plenty of challenges that come with having 2 kids. But honestly, the good somehow makes all of that fade into the distance. It is so fun to see how much Ruby loves her sister, and I am excited to see their relationship grow.

I did forget how hard it is to get things done with a tiny baby around, I was used to a toddler who entertains herself- but I will enjoy the snuggles while I can, because they grow up way too quickly.

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