April 28, 2015

Ruby's Blackfoot Pool Adventure

As a kid- I loved the water. I was part fish. I wasn't a tiny bit afraid.

Reese was also a water lover.

Ruby however- isn't. She will take baths but is soo timid. And showers- no way! 

So I signed her up for swim lessons. We are around water so much- I wanted Ruby to love it. 

I was going into it expected meltdowns, freak outs, and a clingy baby girl.

I walked into the Blackfoot Pool- (the same place I took swim lessons) and I felt like it was a right of passage- passing on a tradition to Ruby. And instead of being the crazy kid in the pool- I was the chunky mama in the swimsuit with white legs and slightly too much cleavage. But I didn't care one bit- Ruby surprised me, she loved it. She wasn't the most brave in the class, but she wasn't screaming like the little boy next to her. She went down the slide, she splashed, and even dunked her face. I think Reese thought I was lying when I told him. 

Being a parent is so fun. I have the best job! 

April 16, 2015

18 months!

I saw on my timehop app that 2 years ago today- I had entered my second trimester of my pregnancy. I remember a time when all I would blog or FB about is baby stuff. Oh wait.. That's my life still;) I guess I figure if you get sick of seeing my kids adorable face on your feed- you will unfriend me and move on because my life is being a mom- and that's just who I am:) But I can promise you I will never post a picture of my kids poo and ask you to tell me why it looks funny, or well that's all I can promise you right now because mom life is unpredictable. My life really isn't as boring as it may seem.

Ruby turned 18 months old yesterday! When do I stop referring to her age in months? Cause I am 292 months and that is mouthful! 

So she and I went on a date to celebrate! Chick FIL a, and the verizon store. But she had the time of her life being the  Naughty kid running around playing in the verizon store with a little friend she met. But I was THAT parent and let her, because to get a new screen protector on my phone took an hr. So she laughed and had fun while I was met with some chuckles and skills as well as judge mental glares from other customers. You try keeping Ruby still for an hour! ;) 

18 months is a fun age! 

Ruby is starting to talk so much, she is a little parrot. And a sponge. She loves music and is always singing. Let it go, the hot dog dance, and all about that base are her favorites right now. I love when she sings herself to sleep! It's the cutest! 

She is a milk lover. She drinks 2 gallons a week usually! And she is finally eating better because she loves using a fork!

She loves to kiss. I'm in trouble there. 

She is a social butterfly. Going to nursery at church is the highlight of her week. 

She can be so sweet but she has some sass! We went through a few weeks of fits but they are getting less and less the more she learns how to communicate. 

Still frozen and bubble guppie obsessed. 

She had started walking from the car to the house or visa versa and that's nice! More hands for me to carry groceries with! 

I wish I could bottle her up at this age. She is such a snuggler and makes sure I get my daily dose of kisses. She sleeps good and plays good by herself! 

There is just one problem... Her hair. It's is a fuzzy Albert Einstein mess ! I am excited for a little more growth so I can work with it. But for now, the poof on top of her head is her trademark :)

April 9, 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Yesterday was one of THOSE days.

The day that started with late naps and was filled with blowouts, throw up, toddler fits, broken needles on the Serger, Ruby eating dog food, the work I had done on our taxes erased... I could go on- but I will spare you. 

So when Reese called and told me he was going to a Jazz Game with his dad and wouldn't be home till midnight- I knew I had 2 options: 

1) check myself into the metal hospital
2) retail therapy

I was ready to turn the bad day around- so we packed up and headed to Idaho Falls. Ruby and I enjoyed a gourmet meal at our fav- Chick FIL a, and then headed shopping. 

Then there was a slushy rainstorm.

Then a car that wouldn't start. 

By the time it was all said and done, retail therapy did nothing for me. I needed ice cream therapy and Ruby needed dry  PJs. 

We headed to Walmart- got me some ice cream and Ruby some PJs. 

I decided I needed to change her at Walmart so she was dry and warm on the way home. 

I went into the bathroom, stripped her naked, washed the chocolate of her face and the lipstick that she had stolen from the diaper bag. 

A guy walked in the bathroom and hurry and ran out. I chuckled to myself and thought "well I'm not having as bad of a day as that guy, how embarrassing" 

I got Ruby's diaper and pjs on, all why we sang a mashup of Let it go, All About That Base, and the Hotdog dance. 

Then another guy walks in, followed by another, and then another. 

Then it hit me. 

 I turned to one of them and said, "am I in the guys bathroom?" 

laughing they replied, "yes you are in the men's restroom, we have been waiting for you to come out." 

I just replied "of course I am, of course I am"

And the guys must have had to go cause one ran into the stall and the other proceeded to use the urinal. 

For 10 minutes I had been in the men's bathroom, singing and talking and changing my baby. 

Not once did I notice the 3 urinals behind me. 

I had to take a walk of shame out of the bathroom. There were probably about 5 guys staring at me, and 5 employees. I just pretend to not notice any of the eyes on me or the chuckles coming from most of them. 

How would this Wednesday end any differently? But the this funny event seemed to wash away the bad day- and I couldn't stop laughing. 

If you ever questioned if I was a true blonde, I think this is your answer. And I have nothing to blame it on, other that maybe moms are all on the verge of crazy;) 

Humor is maybe the best cure:) 

Have you ever gone into a men's restroom on accident? 

April 6, 2015

A No Phone Easter

I didn't get one single picture of our Easter Day. I took a this picture Saturday night:
And then my phone died.

We were at the Reese's family cabin and not having a phone distraction was nice. I never bothered to charge it, and Reese's phone was in the car. 

All we have to remember this wonderful easter by is our memories. 

With Reese working so much lately it was nice to have him around, Ruby and I both needed it!

Ruby was so excited about what the Easter bunny left her! She is so easy to spoil! I needed an excuse to buy her a fun summer toy, right? ;) 

And she got some new sippy cups in hope of weaning her off the bottle :( I can't believe she isn't such a baby anymore!

We had an Easter egg hunt, watched conference and ate some yummy ribs Reese cooked! 

I loved that conference was on Easter. It was so nice to listen to our prophet and so many other talks given by men called by the Lord. All of the talks make me want to do better. I have learned the importance of my little family this year, and I am so grateful for the atonement so that I can have my family forever. I know I can repent from my imperfections and sins to work toward a better Shayna, and to draw closer to my Heavenly Father. And I am grateful those I love can do the same. 

A no phone Easter was the best. I was able to put away the distractions of life And focus on what was truly important. I will be doing it more often. 

* I do love everyone's Easter pictures on FB, I love seeing the sweet "because of him" pictures and messages on there, it makes my heart happy.*

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