October 24, 2015

Modern Housewife

Sometimes, I like to read controversial articles about motherhood. But more than I like to read the article, I like to read the comments. I don't comment, I just pop myself some popcorn and enjoy the arguments between the working mom and the stay at home mom, between the moms who like to clean and the moms who hate it, between the wives who like grown up time with their husbands and those who don't, between crunchy moms and old school moms- I just find it entertaining.

Which brought me to realize that I am a cross between a 1950s housewife and a 2015 housewife.

My husband doesn't clean the house, he doesn't wake up with Ruby in the middle of the night, he doesn't go grocery shopping, he doesn't cook..

I don't expect him to.

We used to split the house duties 50/50 when we were both working and going to school but then things changed.

He works full time and I stay home. I am a stay at home mom, and a house wife.

Some ladies hate that term- housewife. But I love it. I love to take care of Reese, Ruby, and the house.

 Some wives might scoff at the fact my husband doesn't do housework or wake up with the baby in the middle of the night- not me, that's my job.

He wakes up every morning and gets to see Ruby for like 5 minutes as she is waking up before he goes to work, he works 40+ hrs a week, and raises a herd of cattle on the side. His days are busy. Sometimes that means he doesn't get home till after dark, sometimes that means he has to leave first thing on a Saturday morning while I snuggle Ruby in bed to fix a fence and catch his cow that got out. He is a busy man, he provides for us.

No matter how late he works, or how bad his day was- he always puts on his daddy/husband hat when he is home. He plays with Ruby, he talks to me while I finish dinner, he sits down and unwinds from his hard day.

So no, my husband doesn't share the responsibilities in the household. But I can't think of a time I dealt with an upset client, or chased an angry cow to try to catch it's calf to tag.

He has given me the chance to be a stay at home mom, and I am forever grateful for the sacrifices he makes to do so.

But this is where the 2015 housewife steps in because sometimes instead of cleaning, I watch netflix at naptime. And sometimes I am too tired to cook so we do take out. Reese always puts Ruby to bed, he sings to her and that is there special time together. He always cleans up after himself, if he sees something needs to be done, he just does it. And when he does cook for me- he is the best cook! I love his food. He is understanding if I didn't get to the dishes, or didn't clean out the front closet that has been needing it since we moved in, he looks past my yoga pants (or checks out my bum in them haha) he mows the lawn, plays with Ruby, stays up  with me in the middle of the night to clean up puke from Ruby, he will run to the store if I ask him to- he does those things because he love me, loves Ruby.

So no I don't expect Reese to get up with a crying baby in the middle of the night- because he has to get up for work the next day, and I don't- I can nap if I want.

Sometimes I don't understand what is so wrong with gender roles. I actually dislike a lot of feminism views. I wouldn't consider myself a feminist in the least bit. I am just a 1950s housewife with a side of modern woman. ;)

Our marriage works the way it is. He provides and I keep the kid alive, and the house clean. And everybody is happy.

October 4, 2015

Made for the Weekend

Oh this weekend, this weekend was amazing. I love this weekend.

On Friday, I knew we had a busy weekend ahead of us (full of driving) so I took on the task of cleaning my car out. Ruby brings treasures with us everytime we go somewhere and they happen to take residency in the car, permanent residency. Well I evicted them, along with some empty sippy cups. My last step was to vacuum the car so we went to the carwash and I vacuumed out the car- I was almost done when I remembered that Ruby had decided to murder some goldfish crackers in her car seat the other day, and bury them in every crack and crevice she could find in her seat. I unbuckled her and vaccuumed it out and put her back in, hung up the vacuum and  got in the car and as we were driving away I hear this tiny little voice from the back seat -

"Thank you mom"

"Thank you for what Ruby?"

"thank you car seat, Ruby car seat MESSY, thank you mom, feel good mom" 

And that is where I about died laughing. She is such a funny kid, such a funny, CLEAN kid- except for the goldfish crown scene that is. 

That night we went to Red Lobster with Reese's family and  Ruby was infatuated with the lobsters in the tank- so the waitress pulled one out for her to see. I thought she would like it, I was wrong. The waitress pulled it out and it put its claws in the air and Ruby let out a shriek. And then ran to papa for cover. And then proceeded to tell us "Lopper scare me, Lopper scare me" 
Seriously- she is saying the funniest things- I love it, and I love the way she says lobster. 

We got to go to Utah for conference. We went to the aquarium, did some shopping. And ate some Cheesecake Factory.

 Then we went to the morning session of conference and were spiritual fed and got to hear the sweet testimony of our dear Prophet, Thomas S. Monson,
This was my second time attending conference  and the first time with Reese- it was such a wonderfully feeling attending it with my eternal companion. 

I feel so motivated to try better, to be better! 

Spending the weekend as a family was something we needed! Reese works most Saturdays so it was nice to have him with us! And Ruby was of course stuck to him like glue, and she was spoiled as always! 

I am so grateful for my eternal family, and for the words from our Prophet and apostles. 

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