January 30, 2014

Miracle Poop Remover

In my last post I promised to share with you a miracle poop remover, and here I am now to share it with you.

Now I can't claim it as my own recipe because I found it on Pinterest. But I have perfected the process. 

Babies poop. A lot. And sometimes those cute little Huggies with Mickey Mouse don't contain all of poop, and it gets all over. And I mean all over. Blowouts keep us moms on our feet. 

I can't bare to think of Ruby's cute clothes being stained with poop, so I use the miracle poop remover and they are as good as new. 

Step 1- The baby poops. The poop finds it's way out of the diaper and covers your cute child and their tiny clothes. 

Step 2- You access the damage. You make a stink face. You ponder 5 different ways you can get the onsie off without covering the cute baby face with poop.

Step 3- You manage to get the poop clothes off and carry them to the nearest sink. Now isn't the best time to make the stain remover and treat them because you now have a naked baby on the couch. So soak them in the sink- make sure to use COLD water! If you add ice to the water-it does wonder. Ice has helped me remove many stains. 

Step 4- when you finally find a spare second slip away to make some of this amazing stain remover. 

Ingredients:dish soap, hydrogen proxide, and baking soda. 

I use a bowl or cup to mix it. 2 parts baking soda to one part dish soap and one part hydrogen proxide. 

I use a spoon to apply it and you can use an old toothbrush to scrub it in. A lot of scrubbing isn't required. 


During. I usually let it sit on overnight. 

I did this while this sweet baby slept.

I washed it the next day and her cute gap onsie is good as new!

Stain removal is kind of my hobby. I have always been interested in new cleaning products, this is just an extension of that. 

Reese even brags about my stain removal skills. It makes me feel special ;) 

I have a sink full of tiny clothes right now that need miracle poop remover. 

Now you have been educated in Poop Removal 101. Try it. You will love it. Promise. 

January 23, 2014

My New Life

Before Ruby was born I had plans.

I had plans to go back to work.

I had plans to sleep train her. (Baby-wise)

I planned to move her into a crib at 1 month old. 

There were a lot of things I had planned and other things I swore I would never do. 

Ha. Ha. I laugh. I laugh looking back and thinking about how I thought I would be as a mom. 

There is this thing called mother's instinct: this is no joke my friends, this is the real stuff. Everyone thinks there was of parenting is the right way- their way or the highway. Well I am here to tell you- being a mother is different for everyone, I am not saying my way is perfect (it's really close though... Joking... Seriously I am joking, don't stop reading) but it works for Ruby, it works for me and it works for Reese.

Being a mom is my favorite thing in the world. Ever. I love it more than I ever imagined. I am not saying it is prefect. There is spit up, there are sleepless nights, I stay home a lot more now, my days revolve around nursing (I wore  a dress to church the other day- that was interesting come feeding time- that's a whole different story) , and getting stains out from clothes with baby poop on them (speaking of that- I have a magic way I am going to blog about- soon). My life has changed, but get ready for this- I love love love it! It is the hardest put most rewording thing I have ever done. Seriously- a little baby smile takes all of the not so glamorous things out of my mind completely. 

I have found I am a very attached parent. The thought of leaving Ruby to go out on a date makes me want to burst into tears. 

Ruby does one of those things I swore she would never ever do- she sleeps with us. We love it! It gives her dad some snuggle time and it gives me some good sleeping time. People might think we see crazy, all three of us crammed into a full sized bed and with a dog too- but we love it. I feel so close and cozy and I know she is safe. She sleeps sooo good with us. I love being able to sleep through the night! Don't knock it until you have tried it. ;)

She takes baths with me every night. She is so snuggly and smiley in the bath. I love bath time. 

She is growing up so fast. I don't want to miss one second of it. I look at her and cry sometimes because I know she will never be this little again, she changes so much in such a short time! I really truthfully think you cannot spoil a baby. They need all the love and nurturing they can get. Ruby loves attention, and she gets it. I don't want to look back and wish I would have slowed down to hold her more. I know when I look back I won't Remember the pile of laundry that needed to be done, or the dinner that needed to be made, or the low balance on the bank account- those things won't matter in the long run. 

I am so grateful to be able to soak in every second of my Ruby. I truly feel blessed. 

Slow down, enjoy life.

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