November 17, 2015

Being Real- My Story

Holidays make me uneasy. Everyone of them, from Christmas to Halloween, from Thanksgiving to Easter. All I want to do is curl up in a ball, cry for how things used to be. I put on my best face, which midday turns into me putting a grumpy face on as the pain eats away at me, and eventually picking a fight with Reese - because I need to get my anger out somehow, and he is there. It isn't right, and it isn't fair- but life isn't fair. So he endures me through my bad days, and he always knows why I am in a bad mood without a word about it spoken. He is my rock.

For the last year, I have been mourning a death.

Not a death that is listed under the obituaries in the paper. No one sent flowers, no one brought food.

When I got married, I quickly realized how important family was. My friendships dwindled away, but my family was always there for me. There was no other place I would rather spend a Friday night than with my family playing games, and watching the grandkids play in the backyard. Family has always been important in my life.

It was a normal weekend, I spent the Saturday at the fair with my family, and on Sunday we were all going to get together since my sister was in town.

That is the day, the day that will forever be stamped on my forehead as an ugly reminder of the events that took place.

It was the worst day of my life.

As dramatic as that sounds, it is true.

I remember the day almost down to every last word that was spoken, and ever action that was made. I replay the day over and over in my head. It still feels like a nightmare I can't wake up from.

This is harder to write about than I imagined. I have had this page open for hours this past week, and it is hard to share something so person, so raw, so emotional with the world. It also involves other people, other people that I love and care for. But this isn't about them, it is about me, about me being real with those in my life. It is part of my healing process.

That day, as we (my sister, brother, and me) sat on my parents bed, awaiting them to tell us bad news, we could all feel it. Was someone dying? Did someone lose a job?


My mom had made a choice that week, a choice that had the effects of a nuclear bomb.

She was leaving my dad.

I was so confused.  Months earlier, I had caught them kissing like teenagers on the 4th of July. We were a family, you can't just give up on family.

I wanted an explanation. But the only thing I got was excuses.

I remember not wanting to leave their bedroom, I knew once I did- it was true. I knew once I left I had to tell Reese that my parents were getting a divorce. And that would make it real.  If I stayed I the room, it couldn't be true, right? The logic makes no sense, but nothing that day made sense.

Eventually I did leave. I said goodbye to my siblings as they loaded their families in the car, and as much as I wanted to get out of there- I didn't want my happy family gone.

I was a walking mess the next few weeks. I did the bare minimum, which was take care of Ruby. Those weeks, I don't remember very well. I quit facebook, and hid in my house. I remember Reese coming home one night, and Ruby was in an unbuttoned onsie, covered in food, with a messy face while I was sitting on the cluttered living room floor. He picked her up and went and changed and cleaned her up, cleaned the house and then came and took care of me. Later that night I started laughing- and when laughing I said " Today sucked" And he started laughing too, he said he knew better than to say anything about the house, and about Ruby. He took care of me, and lets face it, I needed it.

I only told a few people about the divorce. And by a few people, I mean by best friend and my in-laws.

I hated telling people, no one knew how I felt. Marriages end all the time. But 36 years of marriage just doesn't end. Marriage is very sacred to me, it isn't something to just give up on. No one knows what family means to me. No one understood, no one said the right things, so I didn't tell people.

 I have never posted it on Facebook, and when people I run into say "How's your mom and dad?" I just say fine- to avoid talking about it.

And when I do talk about it, I make uncomfortable jokes, and try to rush the subject along.

All I wanted was an explanation. A reason. But when I got one- I didn't like it. My mom had left my dad for another man.

It has been a year.

I thought it would be easier by now. And in some ways it is, and in someways it isn't.

Relationships are left broken, and things will never be the same. I will never have the happy family I once did outside of my home.

I don't know how this post will go over in the end but I am sick of hiding my feelings to spare feelings of others. I am sick of hiding behind a mask with a smile while I am really crumbling on the inside.

My childhood home now belongs to someone else, my relationship with my mom is rocky, my dad lives in an apartment, we don't get together like we used to as a family, Holidays suck, and I am left broken and angry.

Satan is powerful. He is out to attack the family unit. He wants to destroy marriages, and relationships between family remembers. And in my families case- he won. He found a weak spot and took advantage.

I have heard everything happens for a reason, but this happened because of bad choices. But I know that my Heavenly Father will help me grow and learn from this- it is just hard to see sometimes through the fog.

So there it is, my secret is out. I feel like I am airing my dirty laundry, but at the same time I feel free. It is has been a year, and it is my time to heal. To heal, to forget and forgive and move on. I need to do it for myself, and for my family.

Behind all of those sweet pictures of my little girl on Facebook, behind those pictures of our house remodel, or funny pictures is a broken girl. I would like to pretend I am strong, but sometimes life gets the best of me and now I hope I can share with you all my sucky days, without the fake smiles or the uncomfortable jokes- just me, being real.

**Other stories will be posted this week from some other wonderful ladies who are helping me out- so keep checking back**

October 24, 2015

Modern Housewife

Sometimes, I like to read controversial articles about motherhood. But more than I like to read the article, I like to read the comments. I don't comment, I just pop myself some popcorn and enjoy the arguments between the working mom and the stay at home mom, between the moms who like to clean and the moms who hate it, between the wives who like grown up time with their husbands and those who don't, between crunchy moms and old school moms- I just find it entertaining.

Which brought me to realize that I am a cross between a 1950s housewife and a 2015 housewife.

My husband doesn't clean the house, he doesn't wake up with Ruby in the middle of the night, he doesn't go grocery shopping, he doesn't cook..

I don't expect him to.

We used to split the house duties 50/50 when we were both working and going to school but then things changed.

He works full time and I stay home. I am a stay at home mom, and a house wife.

Some ladies hate that term- housewife. But I love it. I love to take care of Reese, Ruby, and the house.

 Some wives might scoff at the fact my husband doesn't do housework or wake up with the baby in the middle of the night- not me, that's my job.

He wakes up every morning and gets to see Ruby for like 5 minutes as she is waking up before he goes to work, he works 40+ hrs a week, and raises a herd of cattle on the side. His days are busy. Sometimes that means he doesn't get home till after dark, sometimes that means he has to leave first thing on a Saturday morning while I snuggle Ruby in bed to fix a fence and catch his cow that got out. He is a busy man, he provides for us.

No matter how late he works, or how bad his day was- he always puts on his daddy/husband hat when he is home. He plays with Ruby, he talks to me while I finish dinner, he sits down and unwinds from his hard day.

So no, my husband doesn't share the responsibilities in the household. But I can't think of a time I dealt with an upset client, or chased an angry cow to try to catch it's calf to tag.

He has given me the chance to be a stay at home mom, and I am forever grateful for the sacrifices he makes to do so.

But this is where the 2015 housewife steps in because sometimes instead of cleaning, I watch netflix at naptime. And sometimes I am too tired to cook so we do take out. Reese always puts Ruby to bed, he sings to her and that is there special time together. He always cleans up after himself, if he sees something needs to be done, he just does it. And when he does cook for me- he is the best cook! I love his food. He is understanding if I didn't get to the dishes, or didn't clean out the front closet that has been needing it since we moved in, he looks past my yoga pants (or checks out my bum in them haha) he mows the lawn, plays with Ruby, stays up  with me in the middle of the night to clean up puke from Ruby, he will run to the store if I ask him to- he does those things because he love me, loves Ruby.

So no I don't expect Reese to get up with a crying baby in the middle of the night- because he has to get up for work the next day, and I don't- I can nap if I want.

Sometimes I don't understand what is so wrong with gender roles. I actually dislike a lot of feminism views. I wouldn't consider myself a feminist in the least bit. I am just a 1950s housewife with a side of modern woman. ;)

Our marriage works the way it is. He provides and I keep the kid alive, and the house clean. And everybody is happy.

October 4, 2015

Made for the Weekend

Oh this weekend, this weekend was amazing. I love this weekend.

On Friday, I knew we had a busy weekend ahead of us (full of driving) so I took on the task of cleaning my car out. Ruby brings treasures with us everytime we go somewhere and they happen to take residency in the car, permanent residency. Well I evicted them, along with some empty sippy cups. My last step was to vacuum the car so we went to the carwash and I vacuumed out the car- I was almost done when I remembered that Ruby had decided to murder some goldfish crackers in her car seat the other day, and bury them in every crack and crevice she could find in her seat. I unbuckled her and vaccuumed it out and put her back in, hung up the vacuum and  got in the car and as we were driving away I hear this tiny little voice from the back seat -

"Thank you mom"

"Thank you for what Ruby?"

"thank you car seat, Ruby car seat MESSY, thank you mom, feel good mom" 

And that is where I about died laughing. She is such a funny kid, such a funny, CLEAN kid- except for the goldfish crown scene that is. 

That night we went to Red Lobster with Reese's family and  Ruby was infatuated with the lobsters in the tank- so the waitress pulled one out for her to see. I thought she would like it, I was wrong. The waitress pulled it out and it put its claws in the air and Ruby let out a shriek. And then ran to papa for cover. And then proceeded to tell us "Lopper scare me, Lopper scare me" 
Seriously- she is saying the funniest things- I love it, and I love the way she says lobster. 

We got to go to Utah for conference. We went to the aquarium, did some shopping. And ate some Cheesecake Factory.

 Then we went to the morning session of conference and were spiritual fed and got to hear the sweet testimony of our dear Prophet, Thomas S. Monson,
This was my second time attending conference  and the first time with Reese- it was such a wonderfully feeling attending it with my eternal companion. 

I feel so motivated to try better, to be better! 

Spending the weekend as a family was something we needed! Reese works most Saturdays so it was nice to have him with us! And Ruby was of course stuck to him like glue, and she was spoiled as always! 

I am so grateful for my eternal family, and for the words from our Prophet and apostles. 

September 3, 2015

Fake it to make it

Night showers are my new jam. I can take as long as I want, and Ruby is fast asleep so I don't have to worry about her hopping in. I'm a bath girl, but we lived without a tub for a month so I got used to showers.

Last night after a night shower I forgot to brush my hair leaving me with some crazy bedhead. I'm talking the type of bedhead that needs 4 different products and 30 mins of straightening to "fix". I wasn't in the mood today- I was just running errands so I attempted to pull it up. Epic fail. It was so crazy bun and kinky hairs piled on top of my head. 

I thought to myself "messy buns are a thing right?" 

So I decided to work with it. I hair sprayed it till there was a hole in the ozone and a film on my counter tops but it was t going anywhere. I added some hot pink lip stick to accent and decided I was going to fake it to make it. 

(Disclaimer: normal pics are difficult for me to take) 

I did it, I went and ran my errands and kept my head held high- while possibly looking like a nut job- but I did it. 

I've gotten good at faking it to make it. Not just with a messy bun but with my life. 

I've even thinking back on the past year. And it sucked. Of course I am blessed, so so blessed but that doesn't take away from what the last year has been. 

Some of you close to me may know the details of my bad year, but most of you may have never known how down I have been- faking it to make it. I don't want to be "that" friend who endless compains on FB, posting sad quotes and vague jabs at people or things. It's not that I don't want to talk about it, because I do. In a way- it is healing. And because I know my husband, sister, and close friends probably want to pinch my head off when I talk about it. But I don't feel like I can- it doesn't just involve me- it. Involves people I love, and because I know that no one will ever feel or understand what I feel. 

Sometimes I want to write a book- get all my feelings, thoughts and whatever the heck I want to say out there- to get it out of my brain. 

I want people to know reasons why I might be snappier, or more sad than normal- I want people to know why I start bawling in public when someone says just the right (or wrong) thing.

But really, the truth is, I'm not ready to broadcast my public life to the world-  so I will continue to be vague, and to fake  it till I make it. 

June 29, 2015

Little Girls

This girl ^ is sneaking up on being 2 very quickly! She is 20 months, and 4 short months she will be 2. It's so sad, but she is so fun- she is at the best age. The best age consists of just the right mixture of sassy and sweet.

She is my little talker. She will repeat anything- she is really into colors right now, and can identify most of your regular rainbow colors. I love watching her communication and skills grow each day. 

We were getting ready to leave for dinner last night and she went and got Reese's shoes for him, my shoes! She was ready to rock and roll. 

We just got back from Disneyland with her- it was her 2nd time in her short little life- and she loved it. It wasn't the easiest task wrangling a toddler in the park always but overall- we had a blast! She loved the rides, and meeting Minnie was on the top of her list for sure, and swimming. My timid little girl was doing the slide at the swim pool by the end of the trip, and she got lots of time to practice swimming. 

She refuses having her hair pulled up or headbands, or bows. So most of the time she is rocking the shagging mullet. Lol. It's a good thing she is cute;)

It is just so fun to see a toddler experience life, I feel like a kid again. She keeps me young- except when she is naughty- that ages me. Haha. 

I'm starting a little "preschool" with her next week, our first theme is colors! I will share with you what we did next week! 

Mama Guilt

As a mom I take care of every need of Ruby 24/7- I'm the one that makes sure she eats enough, makes sure she gets naps, drinks enough water in the day, changes her diaper, make sure she feels loved... The list goes on.

But one of my most important titles: Keeper of the Pig. 

We were Mother's Day shopping and Ruby laid claim on this cutest pink pig in the store- she wouldn't let go of it- not wanting a fight and thinking how cute she was with it- I forked over the 20 bucks for the made in Italy stuffed animal. I thought the new toy excitement would wear of but it didn't. She has carried that pig everywhere, and when she wants it- I have it. In the grocery store, in the car, at church, naptime, bedtime, etc. 
If you don't believe me... 

And we went to the cabin this weekend for a quick trip and on the way home,
Ruby asked for pig- I went to get him out of my bag and realized I left him. I had a slightly panic attack but told Reese we would stop in Idaho falls on the way home and grab a new one. But the store closed before we could get there. 

I didn't know how she was going to sleep, and it wasn't completely terrible. Only slightly.

But when she emptied her crib to look for pig 5 times yesterday, and cried for him when she was tired... I felt like the worse mom. Reese said I was more worried about pig being gone than she was. 

Pig comforts her and that comforts me.
When she is crying in the car, it always sooths her when I can't- and she loves to sleep with him. This is the first object she has been attached to in her short life and I failed as a mom- I left it in Island Park. 

I guess I never realized the guilt a mom could feel over something as little as a stuffed animal-
But that little girl counts on me for everything.

So today- I took her to the store and bought her a new one- she of course still chose the pig over any other animal- and is
So happy to have him back- and that $20 bucks and seeing that smile on her face took my mom guilt away.

And all is well in the world of Ruby again. 

And now we have a back up pig- lesson learned. 

Mom life. 

April 28, 2015

Ruby's Blackfoot Pool Adventure

As a kid- I loved the water. I was part fish. I wasn't a tiny bit afraid.

Reese was also a water lover.

Ruby however- isn't. She will take baths but is soo timid. And showers- no way! 

So I signed her up for swim lessons. We are around water so much- I wanted Ruby to love it. 

I was going into it expected meltdowns, freak outs, and a clingy baby girl.

I walked into the Blackfoot Pool- (the same place I took swim lessons) and I felt like it was a right of passage- passing on a tradition to Ruby. And instead of being the crazy kid in the pool- I was the chunky mama in the swimsuit with white legs and slightly too much cleavage. But I didn't care one bit- Ruby surprised me, she loved it. She wasn't the most brave in the class, but she wasn't screaming like the little boy next to her. She went down the slide, she splashed, and even dunked her face. I think Reese thought I was lying when I told him. 

Being a parent is so fun. I have the best job! 

April 16, 2015

18 months!

I saw on my timehop app that 2 years ago today- I had entered my second trimester of my pregnancy. I remember a time when all I would blog or FB about is baby stuff. Oh wait.. That's my life still;) I guess I figure if you get sick of seeing my kids adorable face on your feed- you will unfriend me and move on because my life is being a mom- and that's just who I am:) But I can promise you I will never post a picture of my kids poo and ask you to tell me why it looks funny, or well that's all I can promise you right now because mom life is unpredictable. My life really isn't as boring as it may seem.

Ruby turned 18 months old yesterday! When do I stop referring to her age in months? Cause I am 292 months and that is mouthful! 

So she and I went on a date to celebrate! Chick FIL a, and the verizon store. But she had the time of her life being the  Naughty kid running around playing in the verizon store with a little friend she met. But I was THAT parent and let her, because to get a new screen protector on my phone took an hr. So she laughed and had fun while I was met with some chuckles and skills as well as judge mental glares from other customers. You try keeping Ruby still for an hour! ;) 

18 months is a fun age! 

Ruby is starting to talk so much, she is a little parrot. And a sponge. She loves music and is always singing. Let it go, the hot dog dance, and all about that base are her favorites right now. I love when she sings herself to sleep! It's the cutest! 

She is a milk lover. She drinks 2 gallons a week usually! And she is finally eating better because she loves using a fork!

She loves to kiss. I'm in trouble there. 

She is a social butterfly. Going to nursery at church is the highlight of her week. 

She can be so sweet but she has some sass! We went through a few weeks of fits but they are getting less and less the more she learns how to communicate. 

Still frozen and bubble guppie obsessed. 

She had started walking from the car to the house or visa versa and that's nice! More hands for me to carry groceries with! 

I wish I could bottle her up at this age. She is such a snuggler and makes sure I get my daily dose of kisses. She sleeps good and plays good by herself! 

There is just one problem... Her hair. It's is a fuzzy Albert Einstein mess ! I am excited for a little more growth so I can work with it. But for now, the poof on top of her head is her trademark :)

April 9, 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Yesterday was one of THOSE days.

The day that started with late naps and was filled with blowouts, throw up, toddler fits, broken needles on the Serger, Ruby eating dog food, the work I had done on our taxes erased... I could go on- but I will spare you. 

So when Reese called and told me he was going to a Jazz Game with his dad and wouldn't be home till midnight- I knew I had 2 options: 

1) check myself into the metal hospital
2) retail therapy

I was ready to turn the bad day around- so we packed up and headed to Idaho Falls. Ruby and I enjoyed a gourmet meal at our fav- Chick FIL a, and then headed shopping. 

Then there was a slushy rainstorm.

Then a car that wouldn't start. 

By the time it was all said and done, retail therapy did nothing for me. I needed ice cream therapy and Ruby needed dry  PJs. 

We headed to Walmart- got me some ice cream and Ruby some PJs. 

I decided I needed to change her at Walmart so she was dry and warm on the way home. 

I went into the bathroom, stripped her naked, washed the chocolate of her face and the lipstick that she had stolen from the diaper bag. 

A guy walked in the bathroom and hurry and ran out. I chuckled to myself and thought "well I'm not having as bad of a day as that guy, how embarrassing" 

I got Ruby's diaper and pjs on, all why we sang a mashup of Let it go, All About That Base, and the Hotdog dance. 

Then another guy walks in, followed by another, and then another. 

Then it hit me. 

 I turned to one of them and said, "am I in the guys bathroom?" 

laughing they replied, "yes you are in the men's restroom, we have been waiting for you to come out." 

I just replied "of course I am, of course I am"

And the guys must have had to go cause one ran into the stall and the other proceeded to use the urinal. 

For 10 minutes I had been in the men's bathroom, singing and talking and changing my baby. 

Not once did I notice the 3 urinals behind me. 

I had to take a walk of shame out of the bathroom. There were probably about 5 guys staring at me, and 5 employees. I just pretend to not notice any of the eyes on me or the chuckles coming from most of them. 

How would this Wednesday end any differently? But the this funny event seemed to wash away the bad day- and I couldn't stop laughing. 

If you ever questioned if I was a true blonde, I think this is your answer. And I have nothing to blame it on, other that maybe moms are all on the verge of crazy;) 

Humor is maybe the best cure:) 

Have you ever gone into a men's restroom on accident? 

April 6, 2015

A No Phone Easter

I didn't get one single picture of our Easter Day. I took a this picture Saturday night:
And then my phone died.

We were at the Reese's family cabin and not having a phone distraction was nice. I never bothered to charge it, and Reese's phone was in the car. 

All we have to remember this wonderful easter by is our memories. 

With Reese working so much lately it was nice to have him around, Ruby and I both needed it!

Ruby was so excited about what the Easter bunny left her! She is so easy to spoil! I needed an excuse to buy her a fun summer toy, right? ;) 

And she got some new sippy cups in hope of weaning her off the bottle :( I can't believe she isn't such a baby anymore!

We had an Easter egg hunt, watched conference and ate some yummy ribs Reese cooked! 

I loved that conference was on Easter. It was so nice to listen to our prophet and so many other talks given by men called by the Lord. All of the talks make me want to do better. I have learned the importance of my little family this year, and I am so grateful for the atonement so that I can have my family forever. I know I can repent from my imperfections and sins to work toward a better Shayna, and to draw closer to my Heavenly Father. And I am grateful those I love can do the same. 

A no phone Easter was the best. I was able to put away the distractions of life And focus on what was truly important. I will be doing it more often. 

* I do love everyone's Easter pictures on FB, I love seeing the sweet "because of him" pictures and messages on there, it makes my heart happy.*

March 30, 2015

To tip or not to tip? That is the question.

I ran into town today to drop of my Redbox movie and to the bank. I decided that my car needed a little love- so I took it to a car wash. I paid $8 bucks for a wash, which to me- it should be a dang good wash!

The guy did a nice enough job, as he finished drying he stood looking at me through my window. I rolled it down, and thanked him. Then I drove away. 

I got thinking he acted funny when I said thank you. Then I realized- he was waiting for a tip. I paid $8 bucks for an okay wash- I wasn't going to give him the cash I had in my car (it was for a treat later). 

Then my mind started spinning. When do you know when to tip? I know the standards- the waitress, a cab driver, a hotel worker who does out of their way for you, the pizza guy, etc. 

But then there are some I am on the fence about. 

For example- the lady who hands me my Chinese take out? I feel like that is a perk about takeout- not having to tip.

Or the pedicure lady? 

Or my hairdresser? 

The girl who brings me my ice cream cone at Rupes when I drive up?

I was getting a pedicure a few years ago, and I wanted to tip the girl. She had young kids and did a good job. She told me- she doesn't get to keep the tips. They go to her boss. Her boss wasn't even present during the pedicure.

So I became skeptical about tipping- does the deserving person get to keep it? 

Yes I tip the normal places but when it comes to a pedicure or a car wash- I feel like I paid for a service- they provided the service- the end. They shouldn't be tipped if do a good job. They should always do a good job- it is there job to provide a service. I'm not expected to tip the cashier or the kid who bags my groceries- am I?? Oh now- my head is spinning. Should I carry 1s everywhere I go?? People will start to think I'm a stripper-( now that is someone people tip.) 

Money isn't coming out of my ears, though I wish it was! So I tip where I feel necessary but now I am beginning to wonder if I come off stingy! 

So who do you tip?
What are your tipping rules?

March 18, 2015

Bald and Bold

I look at my sweet bald baby and can't believe she is 17 months old. She is growing like crazy! The things she learns each day or says to me amaze me!

Outside is her favorite. We have horses behind our house and goats across the street! 

Ruby loves sleep. I guess she gets one thing from her momma besides her eyes. She still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps for 12+ hrs at night. She finally loves her crib and I love the extra room in my bed! She has been sleeping in her crib without crying for 3 months now! As long as she has her gang of friends- Elsa, Anna, and her bubble guppies, she is good to go! (She really doesn't use a binky- she just found it and wanted to be like the cool kids) ;)

Ruby's communication is getting better each day! She is a really good little listener. She still is naughty- trust me- I just caught her eating dog food as I was typing this. Yuck. 

She can't get enough milk lately. She drinks like 40 ounces a day. But she needs the calories and so I support her addiction and supply it. 

She knows lots of animal sounds and I didn't even know it! She sneaks my iPad and plays games-
At least they are teaching her! Haha 

She loves visiting her dad on the farm- she is always so happy to see the baby cows ;)
And is so good for Reese when he takes her out! 

She is my helper and sometimes my mess maker! But she is good at cleaning up! 

And I just can't get enough of her- (most days) I just wish I could pause time- she is growing up way to fast!!

March 7, 2015

The Best Worst First Date

Some of you claimed I left you on a clifthanger on my blog post about Reese and I meeting at the Jazz Game. Of course if you know me- you know the ending to the story but I will fill you in on the rest. 

First a little thing about Reese- he isn't a texter and never really has been- it's rare he will text to have a conversation- it's usually over the phone. Plus he had T9 text back in this time and was not the fastest texter on the block;) 

A few days after the Jazz Game, my phone vibrated on the desk in my room- which wasn't unusual for me because I am a texter- but what was surprising was the text on my phone. It was from Reese, which was the surprising part because I never gave him my number- he had tracked it down. After a few texts- very few- he asked me to go on a date the upcoming Saturday. Snowmobiling. Yes I got asked on my first date by Reese through a text which is completely out of character for reese but he was a newly returned missionary sitting in a room full of guys who were encouraging him to ask me out- he was a nervous nelly. So he choose the easy way out and text me. I still tease him about it, but I secretly love it because it just shows how nervous he was! 

Snowmobiling. I had never been. Figured it couldn't be too hard- so I slapped some snow clothes together- and I was ready to go! 

The only person I knew on this date was Reese and everyone else knew each other. I was the oddball out but I never felt that way! I am a talker. I don't like always silence- so I filled it on the drive up. 

The snowbobile ride was fun. Until the sun started to go down and we weren't anywhere near the cabin. The ride back to the cabin seemed to be a lot longer than the ride there. I think at this time, everyone quickly realized we were lost. Reese had taken a wrong turn and we were headed the wrong direction. There was no one else out on the trails, we were lost- in the dark- in freezing temps.

I was on the snow mobile with Reese, and our double date was on the other snowmobile following. Reese was remaining so calm and positive even though he go us into this mess- so at first I remained positive too- despite the fact I was freezing and hungry and scared! 

After awhile- I started to panic. I panicked to myself though- I didn't want to make my date feel bad. So there I sat- hugging Reese's back-  tears streaming down- and pouring my heart out in prayer. 

We were  lost for a good 3 hrs. Soon we began to see lights, and soon we were back to the cabin. We built a fire and warmed up. Well sort of, I think it took my 3 days to thaw. 

Dinner was glamorous that night- McDonald's at midnight. But I was just thankful to be back in a warm and safe place. 

I was never mad at Reese- it was a mistake anyone could have made. He was so sweet to check on me always, and try to keep me warm.

A few days later he went back out snowmobiling with his friend- they didn't even make it out of the driveway of the cabin before the snowmobiles ran it of gas. 
I learned later that Reese was not calm- he was freaking out underneath that helmet too. 

Between all of our prayers that were silently said that night- they were answered. I have never been more cold in my life. And I still like Reese, but snowmobiling isn't my thing! Ha 

After a 1st date as disastrous as that one- I didn't really expect to hear from Reese  again. 

But I did the next day- when a text came to my phone:

"Are you as sore as I am"

And then I replied with one of my old dad jokes. Cause I have a sense of humor like my dad- and sometimes sound like an old man when I joke. And that didn't even scare him away.

Actual first date photo:

February 2, 2015

A love story that begins with a little Jazz

I posted a picture on IG and FB the other day of Reese and I at a Jazz game, our Jazz Anniversary! Well it was one week off but we were sans baby so it felt so romantic and we used the time to celebrate us!

Someone wanted to hear more of the story, and I know I have shared bits and pieces of the story but here is the uncut version:

It was August 2009, I had just graduated high school, sent off a missionary, and was getting ready to start college. I had the world in my hands. Or so I thought. 

I was out to dinner with my cousin Jayson at The local Mexican place, And I ran into my moms' boss- Tracy (my now Father- in- law) He and I always had a teasing relationship and he told me his son will be getting off his mission in a few weeks and he wanted me to marry his son. I laughed and said no thanks, I have a boyfriend. He didn't let that close the door though. 

Later that month my mom dragged me and my sister to Reese's welcome home talk. I whispered to my sister that day that Reese had a slight Spanish accent leftover from his mission and Reese whispered to his dad on the stand that day- "wow, is THAT Shayna?? She is so pretty." He claims I was just a little girl when he left. Which may or may not have been true;) I was really just your run of the mill brace face. 

Each January it was a tradition to go to a Jazz game with Premier Insurance. employees would bring their families and we would stay in a hotel downtown and sit in a suite with yummy food to watch the game. 

I wasn't going to be able to go that year because I was busy that night but that night opened up last minute and there happened to be a ticket left for me. 

I hopped in my car and went to meet my parents to ride to SLC with them. 

I avoided Reese like a disease when I got to the party at the game. I knew he knew that his dad wanted to set us up, and I knew his dad would try. So I stuck close to MY dad that night to try to avoid that whole awkward situation.

But that didn't help me avoid fate. Reese's dad was determined, and when we were both within ear shot,  so he took his chance and he asked if Reese and I would like to take the two 8th row tickets he had and go down and watch together. How could I say no to going to sit with a cute boy, a cute boy who was listening to my response.

We went. We laughed, and talked and had a great time. Minus my dad watching us through binoculars, and people texting me telling me to uncross my arms so Reese could hold my hand. We knew everyone wanted us to happen, and that made the situation a tiny bit awkward.

I thought that fun night would be the end of it, but apparently Reese had other plans.... 

January 15, 2015

Where did my baby go?

I swear I blinked my eyes twice and my tiny sweet baby is now a sassy, yet still freaking adorable 15 month old!

Our biggest milestone is she is sleeping in her crib!!! She takes 2 naps a day and is in bed by 8 and usually sleeps till 8 the next morning!! I'm so proud of her! 

- Her vocabulary is just growing and growing!! She says please, mommy,  dada, Penny, baby, bubble, what's that, thank you, night night, no, nose, belly button, papa, patty, Anna. Olaf, mmmm, baba, bye bye, movie, and I know there is some I am forgetting. 

- she is obsessed with bubble guppies. She has the stuffed animals and must sleep with them, take them when we leave the house, and loves to curl up with a good bottle and watch bubble guppies. 

- she knows how to put her Legos together and says tuhduh when she puts them together. 

- we are working on saying please instead of grunting 

- weighs 17 lbs 

- Ruby's  hair is growing into a mullet, the cutest one I have ever seen.

She is so inquisitive and excited about the world around her- I love it! 

She is a pretty special girl, I am a lucky mom:) 

January 12, 2015

Moms of Walmart

You see that mom in Walmart, with the kid trying to jump of the top of the cart, screaming, boogers streaming down the face, and covered in cookie crumbs that were once used as bribery. The mom looks stressed, frantically trying to grab anything and everything off the shelves that maybe will be thrown together for some sort of meal. Her hair is a mess, something sticky is stick to her sweatshirt, and is possibly on the verge of a metal breakdown. Some give her sympathetic looks,  and other judgmental ones.

I was that mom today. I was that mom with the crabbiest kid on the planet, frantically trying to get my grocery shopping done. 

I am usually a pretty mellow mom, but after a episode at church yesterday which ended with Ruby and I in a dark mother's room with her pounding her head on the floor while throwing a fit- I have been a little stressed out. I came to the realization it is time to discipline my (sometimes not so) sweet one year old. And to be honest, I don't know where to start. 

Back on track-Walmart. I had everything working against me. Ruby is teething and is a complete bear, I hate grocery shopping, I hate Walmart.... the list goes on. 

And I just need to rant. 

There are so many old people at Walmart during the day, and so slow. Those motorized carts go slower than a snail- someone needs to put a turbo on them. 

People are inconsiderate. I have a baby who is trying to bungee  jump off the cart - I don't have time to sit and listen to you chit chat in front of the things I need to get to, and when I politely say "excuse me" don't act like I am the one being inconsiderate. 

Don't comment on my upset baby- I am well aware. 

To the lady checking me out- thank you for shoving the bags full of whatever and getting me out of the checkout line. I am happy to sort the groceries at home when Ruby is happily watching Bubble Guppies and I can slip out of my jeans and back into yoga pants. 

I was just happy I didn't run into anyone I knew, because if I did I think I would have asked them to hold me while I cried. 

Stores really need to be more kid friendly. Starting with buckles on the cart that hold my skinny baby in them. Maybe offer different sample snacks in each aisle? Along with caffeine and chocolate for mom? Maybe a person shopping assistant to entertain the baby? Are these things really too much to ask? 

I forgot some essential items I went to the store for. So tonight I went back solo, and stopped for a diet coke after. It was sort of magical. I came home and told Reese that I am never shopping during the day again. Old people are in bed, and so is Ruby. 

I know bad days will happen. I know crappy Walmart trips will happen. I know you will drop a glass on the floor occasionally having it smash into a million pieces (oh ya- that happened today too) But I love being a mom. I told Ruby she was lucky we get to spend so much time together, and she is! And so am I! Whether she believed me or not is another question. 

Moms are really awesome. We put up with some crazy things. Like poopy diapers that fall off and then require a shower and clothes change of 2 people. (yes, today too) But we are also the luckiest in the world. 

Cause at the end of a crazy day, we get this... 

And I would have 100 crazy days for 5 minutes of this. 


That Crazy Walmart Mom

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