July 12, 2018

Half Truths

Life in 2018 is interesting, it’s hard to deal with personal matters in a private way because they seem to be posted all over social media. But even if they are posted all over social media- the whole story is never there. I might post a picture of my daughter at swim lessons, but what you don’t know is that I also discovered at swim lessons that my yoga pants were on inside out all day. 

While this is a funny (very real) example of how half truths get posted to social media- there has been one recently that has been posted to social media, that impacts my life in a significant way. 

I tried to ignore it, but it’s not going away. And now everyone in the town of Blackfoot and the moon have been notified of it. 

It’s hard for me to talk about for a few different reasons. First, I don’t exactly know how to navigate the situation myself.  Second, I know that people will never fully understand how I feel. Third, it’s hard for me to talk about, just thinking about it makes my anxiety hit the roof. 

I’m not posting to hurt anyone, but I am posting to protect and explain myself. 

My parents are getting remarried to each other. Please don’t congratulate me. I wish with all my heart I could be excited, but I am not. My heart hurts. Things are complicated. They have been divorced for almost 4 years and while others look at it and think it resembles a happy ending in a romantic comedy- I look at it and see all the pain that had been caused the past 4 years along with the loss of trust and they want to wave it away with a magic wand- which sadly it doesn’t work that way. 

I don’t see my parents, I don’t even talk to them if I can avoid it. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.  

And I don’t expect you to understand, I don’t except anyone to understand - even my siblings and I all feel differently about the situation. 

My way of dealing with it might not make sense to anyone, and sometimes it doesn’t even make sense to me. Sometimes I handle it well, and other days I’m completely falling apart- so that tells you right there that my cooping mechanisms are far from perfect. 

I know some people in the world wished they had my trials, and I recognize I am very blessed. Which is why I have to take a step back from things or else my anxiety gets the best of me and I forget how truly wonderful my life is. 

Right now I have chosen to focus on my little family. I have two little girls and a wonderful husband  who need me. And they are my priority. And I pray that one day I will be able to sit down for a meal with my parents and be able to laugh and talk like we did 4 years ago, but truthfully the thought of doing that right now makes me want to vomit.

April 16, 2018

The Good Wife's Guide Busted

In honor of my 3rd wedding anniversary tomorrow- I thought I would give some marriage advice.

Have you seen a funny article from the 50s floating around on the internet about how to be a good wife? I came across it on Facebook and got a good laugh out of it. A laugh is about all I got- because most of the article is ridiculous. So I am blowing the whistle on it. I am busting this article.

Shayna's Good Wife's Guide.

  • Article:Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have be thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they get home and the prospect of a good meal is part of the warm welcome needed.

Shayna: Know your husband's favorite take out- just in case your day has been crazy. Which most likely it has been just as crazy as his. All that matters in the end- is he is fed. A sandwich will do fine. No need for a Thanksgiving feast every night. But if you are feeling really good- try a Pinterest recipe out on him, that way all that recipe pinning you have done doesn't go to waste. 

  • Article: Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people

Shayna:This one isn't half bad. The ribbon may be overkill- but it is always good to look good for your man. But hopefully your man can deal with a weary looking wife- because those days will happen. 

Article: Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it.

Shayna: No one likes coming home to a grumpy spouse. A little smooching usually does the trick. Or our favorite thing to do is watch a funny show on Netflix to lift our spirits! 

  • Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives. Run a dustcloth over the tables.
Shayna: No time to do the dishes? Throw them in the sink with some Dawn dish soap. Looks clean- smells clean. Spray some Febreeze and start your Scentsy warmer. If it smells clean it will distract from the clutter.  And lets be honest- hopefully your man is like mine and will kiss you and tell you no to worry about a messy house, that he will help you clean later. Now that is a man. 

Article: Greet him with a warm smile and show sincerity in your desire to please him.

Shayna: Give him a big wet smooch as he comes in. Smooches are the best greeting. 

Article: Don't complain if he's late for dinner or even if he stays out all night. Count this as minor compared to what he might have gone through at work.

Shayna: Expect him to be home on time- and if he isn't going to be home on time- expect a call/text. It is only polite.  And if he goes out- he best take you. Reese and I do everything together- we want to- we are best friends. 

Article: Make him comfortable. Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or lie him down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him.

Shayna: The best surprise is a yummy drink in the fridge after a long day. On your travels throughout the day pick him up a drink- he will love you forever. 

It isn't the 50's anymore- marriage is about sacrifice (from both partners) There are days were everything goes smoothly and he might just come
Home to fresh baked cookies. But then there are those days were everything had gone wrong and you don't need a man to nag- you need a man to squeeze you tight and make you forget about those days. 

I love being married. I get to wake up to my best friend everyday and smooch him whenever I want! 

And that man has lots of patience to be married to a crazy like me! ;)

Bring on the big 2!

I think my baby turning 2 was harder than her turning one- My bald headed baby is gone. She is a little girl now. She may look like a 2 year old, but she acts like a 5 year old somedays.

To celebrate her birthday I took her to Ijump with her little best friend, and the to her favorite place to eat "chicken cow" Translated: Chick fil a. And later that night Reese and I took her to the corn maze, where she loved having the power of choosing which way we were going to go.

I honestly wish I could bottle her up and keep her this age. She is the sweetest, with just the right amount of sass.

She loves watching Youtube videos. Sometimes of people opening toys, sometimes people playing with playdoh and sometimes nursery rhythms.

She always wants Reese to put her to bed at night, he sings a song from the Little Mermaid to her, and she just thinks that is grand.

She is really good at puzzles. She has a jigsaw puzzle that she can put together faster than I can.

Her little vocabulary kills me.  She just soaks in the world around her. Some of my favorites are:

"Pumpkin scare me!" (our jack-o-lantern must be scary)
"Mommy! mommy! Shayna! Shayna!" (She calls me Shayna about 40% of the time lately)
"Hear dat, Hear the dog!" (as she cups her ear when we are outside)
"How do you do?"

She is such a polite little thing, always saying sorry if she bumps into you, thank you, and please. Last night when Reese was washing the vomit off  her face (she has the flu) She looked up at him and said " Thank you Daddy"

She is truly a blessing in our lives. She brings so much happiness into our home. We love our little girl.

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