June 2, 2014

My Sweet Ruby

 She I cannot believe my little girl will be 8 months next week! When I read my posts from a year ago saying I felt her kick for the first time- I literally can't believe that was a year ago- it feels like yesterday yet I can't imagine not having Ruby in our lives!

She is growing and changing every day, I cannot believe it! I love that tiny human with my whole heart! 

A little update on Ruby: 

She rides in shopping carts like a big girl and wins the hearts of many! 

She loves watching Frozen. She is the typical all American kid I guess;) 

Still loves her jumper! 

And her playmat! 

She is obsessed with eating Mum Mums. I think they are baby crack. 

She is exclusively Breast fed still! Sorry no picture Of that;) With food here and there as a treat! 

She sleeps in her crib now. Like a big girl. This one sort of breaks my heart. I miss cuddling her all night. 

She is on the move. She rolls everywhere and does the backward scoot. But she
Can't figure out how to crawl forward and it ticks her off!  Haha 

She has a tooth! 

Penny and her are best friends! 

I am SO lucky to get to spend my days with this girl! I wouldn't have it anyway else! I am grateful for a husband who works his butt off to provide and take care of us so I can stay home and do what I was meant to do- be a mom!!! 

It is seriously the best! 

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