January 15, 2015

Where did my baby go?

I swear I blinked my eyes twice and my tiny sweet baby is now a sassy, yet still freaking adorable 15 month old!

Our biggest milestone is she is sleeping in her crib!!! She takes 2 naps a day and is in bed by 8 and usually sleeps till 8 the next morning!! I'm so proud of her! 

- Her vocabulary is just growing and growing!! She says please, mommy,  dada, Penny, baby, bubble, what's that, thank you, night night, no, nose, belly button, papa, patty, Anna. Olaf, mmmm, baba, bye bye, movie, and I know there is some I am forgetting. 

- she is obsessed with bubble guppies. She has the stuffed animals and must sleep with them, take them when we leave the house, and loves to curl up with a good bottle and watch bubble guppies. 

- she knows how to put her Legos together and says tuhduh when she puts them together. 

- we are working on saying please instead of grunting 

- weighs 17 lbs 

- Ruby's  hair is growing into a mullet, the cutest one I have ever seen.

She is so inquisitive and excited about the world around her- I love it! 

She is a pretty special girl, I am a lucky mom:) 

January 12, 2015

Moms of Walmart

You see that mom in Walmart, with the kid trying to jump of the top of the cart, screaming, boogers streaming down the face, and covered in cookie crumbs that were once used as bribery. The mom looks stressed, frantically trying to grab anything and everything off the shelves that maybe will be thrown together for some sort of meal. Her hair is a mess, something sticky is stick to her sweatshirt, and is possibly on the verge of a metal breakdown. Some give her sympathetic looks,  and other judgmental ones.

I was that mom today. I was that mom with the crabbiest kid on the planet, frantically trying to get my grocery shopping done. 

I am usually a pretty mellow mom, but after a episode at church yesterday which ended with Ruby and I in a dark mother's room with her pounding her head on the floor while throwing a fit- I have been a little stressed out. I came to the realization it is time to discipline my (sometimes not so) sweet one year old. And to be honest, I don't know where to start. 

Back on track-Walmart. I had everything working against me. Ruby is teething and is a complete bear, I hate grocery shopping, I hate Walmart.... the list goes on. 

And I just need to rant. 

There are so many old people at Walmart during the day, and so slow. Those motorized carts go slower than a snail- someone needs to put a turbo on them. 

People are inconsiderate. I have a baby who is trying to bungee  jump off the cart - I don't have time to sit and listen to you chit chat in front of the things I need to get to, and when I politely say "excuse me" don't act like I am the one being inconsiderate. 

Don't comment on my upset baby- I am well aware. 

To the lady checking me out- thank you for shoving the bags full of whatever and getting me out of the checkout line. I am happy to sort the groceries at home when Ruby is happily watching Bubble Guppies and I can slip out of my jeans and back into yoga pants. 

I was just happy I didn't run into anyone I knew, because if I did I think I would have asked them to hold me while I cried. 

Stores really need to be more kid friendly. Starting with buckles on the cart that hold my skinny baby in them. Maybe offer different sample snacks in each aisle? Along with caffeine and chocolate for mom? Maybe a person shopping assistant to entertain the baby? Are these things really too much to ask? 

I forgot some essential items I went to the store for. So tonight I went back solo, and stopped for a diet coke after. It was sort of magical. I came home and told Reese that I am never shopping during the day again. Old people are in bed, and so is Ruby. 

I know bad days will happen. I know crappy Walmart trips will happen. I know you will drop a glass on the floor occasionally having it smash into a million pieces (oh ya- that happened today too) But I love being a mom. I told Ruby she was lucky we get to spend so much time together, and she is! And so am I! Whether she believed me or not is another question. 

Moms are really awesome. We put up with some crazy things. Like poopy diapers that fall off and then require a shower and clothes change of 2 people. (yes, today too) But we are also the luckiest in the world. 

Cause at the end of a crazy day, we get this... 

And I would have 100 crazy days for 5 minutes of this. 


That Crazy Walmart Mom

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