May 10, 2013

It's a.....

I know many of you have been waiting for the gender reveal of sweet baby Hawker. I thought it was a boy and Reese thought it was a girl. Who was right??

Here's the story: we had the gender ultrasound yesterday. It took like 40 minutes for her to be sure of the gender. We had her seal the gender in the envelope and we took it straight to the cake lady. She baked a cake with the genders color inside, and tonight we found out along with our family and friends what it was when we sliced open the cake. The anticipation was killing me!!

I am excited to tell you, baby Hawker is a sweet baby GIRL!

We couldn't be more happy that those sweet toes we saw yesterday belong to a little miss.

Let the spoiling begin... Tomorrow will be a baby clothes shopping day with the ladies in my fam.

Thanks to all those who came to share our special moment tonight:)

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